We recently added the newest scanning laser technology in eye care to our practice. The Optical coherence tomography (OCT). With this laser technology, we can take a direct scan of the macula and optic nerve in the back of your eye.

The macula is the portion of the retina where your 20/20 vision comes from. It has the highest concentration of “cones” which are the receptors for the best acuity and also for color vision.

We can diagnose and manage conditions such as, Macular Degeneration, Diabetic Eye Disease, Macular Edema and many more diseases with this laser.

OCT is a topographical map showing the thickness of the nerve fiber layer in the retina. More specifically, the optic nerve head. An OCT laser scan of the Optic nerve is taken to diagnose or rule out glaucoma, which can cause thinning of the retinal nerve fiber layer. This is very important because sometimes people can have glaucoma even with normal, or even low eye pressure.
Conversely, you can have high eye pressures and not have glaucoma. This is one of several tests which can help make the distinction.

We recently added new retinal imaging technology called Optos.  Optos retinal images are available to all patients. Dilated retinal exams are not necessary as often anymore with an optos image.